Current Research Projects

  • Memory Reactivation & Cognitive Restructuring

    Examining behavioral and neurobiological impact of memory reactivation and cognitive restructuring on episodic threat memories.

  • Enhancing Extinction via Novelty Exploration

    Enhancing extinction learning via novelty exploration

  • Affect Labeling and Fear Conditioning

    This study investigates how individual differences in the ability to identify and label emotions may relate to the development and reduction of fears using fear conditioning and extinction.

  • Fear Conditioning and Childhood Trauma Meta-Analysis

    Fear Conditioning and Childhood Trauma Meta-Analysis

    This meta-analysis examines associations between childhood trauma and maltreatment and fear conditioning responses in studies of children and adolescents.

  • Developing a Standardized Fear Conditioning Protocol for Extinction Enhancement Research

    In collaboration with the Human Extinction Workgroup of the international Exposure Therapy Consortium, we are pilot testing a standardized fear conditioning protocol and explaining its reliability and validity. For more information, please visit: